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What types of movies do you enjoy?Views: 928
Jul 26, 2006 12:13 pmWhat types of movies do you enjoy?#

Glenda Lowery
Since this was free for all day, I thought I would see what types of movies everyone enjoys either on the big screen or TV or TV series for that matter.

My favorite type of movie is a really good mystery. The "who do done it" that you think you have all figured out, but then the plot takes a sharp turn and you are right back to sqaure one. At the end I want to be able to say, "Man I didn't see that coming."

I like movies where the actors that play the roles are "believable" in that role. In another thread I had mentioned Martin Sheen doing a really good job of portraying the President in a movie, on the flip side was the TV series "Commander and Chief" with Geena Davis. While I liked the premise of the show and I enjoyed Geena Davis as the ditzy wife who goes wild and free in "Thelma and Louise", I just could not wrap my head around her as President no matter how much she talked with her teeth clenched.

Glenda Lowery
I always wanted to be somebody;
I guess I should have been more specific

Private Reply to Glenda Lowery

Jul 26, 2006 1:17 pmre: What types of movies do you enjoy?#

Debra Shiveley Welch
I guess it would save time if I simply state the types of movies I don't like, which is the action type of movie.

Now, I did enjoy the "Letal Weapon" movies and the "Die Hard" series, but I just can't get into the Segal type of productions whether done by him or Chan or whomever.

My favorite movies are historically based or biographies and I dearly love a well-done documentary and, of course, love stories!

Debra - Mitakuye oyasin - We are all related.
Author of "A Very Special Child" - www.whodathunk.org

Private Reply to Debra Shiveley Welch

Jul 27, 2006 3:39 amre: What types of movies do you enjoy?#

Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net

I'm a sap for romance. I don't like the mindless stuff, though. If it has a good storyline, some brain matter material, AND a deep romance . . . well, reel me in. I'm there.

I also like SOME slapstick sort of humor films though, again, I like there to be a bit of thought & actual story in it. Body humor can be funny enough IF there's also a message to it -- a la that movie about a man pretending to be "retarded" (their word, not mine) to get into the Special Olympics & win a boatload of money. Bottom line, it wasn't as stupid as it might've seemed, & the stars of that film were actually the mentally challenged actors -- of many levels -- who co-starred. It showed how versatile & capable & very talented handi-capable people can be at a myriad of levels.

I'm just plain addicted to movies!!

Blessings -- Linda

Linda J. Alexander, Books For The Thinking Reader
HOLLYWOOD & POLITICS - http://hollywoodpolitics-network.ryze.com/

Private Reply to Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net

Jul 27, 2006 11:59 amre: re: What types of movies do you enjoy?#

Glenda Lowery
Oh don't get me wrong, I like a good romance or at the very least a good movie built around a strong relationship that survives through many struggles. That maybe why I enjoy the Lifetime channel so much. I have a grandson who is 12 that will tell you all the best movies are on Lifetime, LOL

Then again he is not allowed to watch movies that have anything above a PG13 rating. Speaking of ratings, what they show now as an R rating would have been classified as X or XXX when I was a kid if there had been a rating system back then. That just goes to show what society today seems to find acceptable, kind of sad isn't it?

Glenda Lowery
I always wanted to be somebody;
I guess I should have been more specific

Private Reply to Glenda Lowery

Jul 28, 2006 1:25 amre: re: re: What types of movies do you enjoy?#

Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net

T'is true, what we deem acceptable onscreen -- TV & film -- in today's world is a far reach from what was general consumption just, say, 40 years ago. The funny thing about that, back THEN, many thought what was produced as entertainment was too risque, & much more out-there than what they had consumed as a young person. The cycle certainly regenerates over & over.

One of my books, DOROTHY FROM KANSAS MEETS THE WIZARD OF X, addresses realities of the porn industry. It's NOT a pornographic book, in any sense, but looks into lives of people who no longer know any other world. It was such an eye-opener for me, a lil' Catholic girl from the suburbs, married to my "1st" at 21, to see the things I saw. Yet the observer & reporter in me was drawn in by these people who weren't really much different than I . . . except that they did things for a living that I couldn't even imagine doing in private life!

I discovered that people really were just people, anywhere & in all facets of life -- & also, there but for the grace of God go many of us. These adult film stars didn't plan to do this work when they were trying to make it in the film world. Many had college degrees, were classically trained actors, w/big-name agents, but almost all came into that business in the '60s & '70s -- that same era we were just discussing, yes? -- &, they admit, made some decisions that changed the course of their lives forever.

Life is just beyond explanation sometimes.

Blessings -- Linda

Linda J. Alexander, Books For The Thinking Reader
HOLLYWOOD & POLITICS - http://hollywoodpolitics-network.ryze.com/

Private Reply to Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net

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