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Hollywood & Politics: Then & Now [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Off-Topic: Funny Family StoriesViews: 305
Feb 19, 2007 2:37 am Off-Topic: Funny Family Stories

Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net
Hi Folks:

It's a Sunday evening. Tomorrow's a federal holiday. I'm Ryzin' around tonight & thought I'd intro a topic related to one I'd seen on another Network.

Have you or anyone in your family ever "blamed" something on someone else w/i the family in hopes that you'd all get out of it easier?

Here's my story. I hope you'll post yours:

When my kids were little, my mother was their babysitter as I went off to work. They became very accustomed to being w/their grandmother, going out w/her, etc.

One day, she had both of my sons in the car. They were about 5 & 6 years old (14 months apart). She was traveling a residential street, going faster than she should &, yep, you guessed it, was pulled over. Before the cop got to her window, she told my boys, "Keep quiet. Don't say a thing!"

The cop & she had the usual discussion. "You were speeding, m'am," etc, etc. My mother looked as apologetic as possible & in her sweetest grandmotherly voice said, "I'm so sorry, officer. I really am, but my grandson here (she indicated the oldest, for whatever reason) has diarrhea & I'm trying to get him home. You understand, I'm sure."

She figured she was outta that ticket, no problem. What young policeman, a guy who looked like he probably had kiddies of his own, would not sympathize w/THAT problem?! No problem here. Everyone would leave happy, right?

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, m'am. I'll write the ticket quickly so you can get on your way."


My sons are now 28 & 27 years old & everyone still goes into hysterics when this story surfaces.

Blessings -- Linda

www.lindajalexander.net ** www.authorsden.com/lindajalexander
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