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Hollywood & Politics: Then & Now [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
"True Hollywood Story"Views: 302
Apr 09, 2007 7:52 pm re: re: "True Hollywood Story"

Christina Daly
Glorinda, congratulations on the Casting Call list. This could be the break you need! You have a face that one doesn't forget and notices right away. I don't know what that 'je ne sais pas' is, but you have it. I can see that your personality and your broad range of acting abilities might land you on TV. One of my favorite shows is "Sisters." I can see you playing a cameo role and being invited to join a cast like this.

Can you get work at a movie studio? Can you become a personal assistant or coach for a famous star? Do you know any of the Hollywood rag writers? Perhaps you could start a column or even end up on a show like Access Hollywood and mosey on into the well known household name category. Forgive me for thinking out loud. It's fun to brain storm.

I actually lived in LA for 10 years and LOVED it. I had a very delayed adolescence there and did everything that I didn't dare do nearer to home. I had a blast and met some terrific people. I've since moved back to my family's territory here in San Jose and raised a son, but those days in LA have a sweet spot in my heart. It's so outrageous there...you can do anything you want to and get away with it. Memories like sitting next to Goldie Hawn at a champagne bar while we were both waiting for our dates and chattering away until I realized who she was and became instantly mute. I remember watching Rock Hudson shooting outside of the Cal Fed Bldg and sneaking on set to gawk at him (that dates me--I think the show was Macmillen and son). I remember being invited to a party at Wilt Chamberlain's home and gawking at the immense size of everything. His house was built for a giant; complete with a swimming pool which was both in doors and out doors with a sauna overlooking the entire basin (smog and all...lol). I remember that Alan Sherman dated my roomate and spent tons of time at our apartment (hello modda, hello fadda...). It seemed as if there were movies stars everywhere and life was one big movie! Great fun for a young single girl.

I hope you're adjusting to all the silliness and managing to enjoy yourself.

Christina Daly

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