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Hollywood & Politics: Then & Now [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Round One: Hollywood Takes on Hillary a la Obama!Views: 373
Mar 10, 2007 9:41 pm re: re: re: re: re: Round One: Hollywood Takes on Hillary a la Obama!

Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net

Interesting discussion. Years ago, when ol' Bill was in the running his 1st go-round, I did a lot of interviewing & public work. I got involved w/my 1st political campaign . . . his. I admit--I voted for him. There was something so engaging about him. Yep, I know, that ultimately proved to be TOO true. ; >

I met a woman in the DC area who was a close friend of the Clintons. They all, in a large group, went to a certain secret place every New Year's for about a week & planned out the next year -- not just for them, but for society, in gen'l. It's methodical & brilliant in its determination.

This group has since been called many things in the press, but the concept of it is that the group, including some of the most prominent & influential names in the world, literally formulates specific events to occur in the following year. This isn't so unrealistic because these people are THAT influential--newspapers magnates, political figures, the richest bank accounts, etc. These people shape our world, anywho, so that they INTENTIONALLY meet to do that shaping makes some sense.

I worked on a child abuse project during this period which Hillary supported. She was fierce in her protection of children--& genuine, very genuine. I received a personal thank you, not a real big deal, but it was just another indicator that, above all else, children's issues were at the forefront of her personal scope. She truly cared.

I've since come to see her as an extraordinarily strong woman but I think the political machine has gotten the better of her. I believe she was promised a place in the grand political scheme if she "stood by her man" when the Bill escapade was in full swing. I think the PARTY did this . . . & w/the knowledge of the group of influentials behind her, that's not a crazy supposition.

I can't these days feel comfy in supporting her. I admire her for who she is, for some of what she stands for &, frankly, for how she gracefully put up w/what no woman should have to put up with. She's absotively MORE than capable of handling the office of President of the United States. Yet her ethics may be questionable. Bill's a smart man, but SHE's the brain behind that 2-person Clinton operation . . . & she's proved her mettle thru the fire of public life. She possesses a cold calculation that he could never touch. The ethics questions of what she may have been involved w/over the years would not surprise me if they prove to be true (& some say they've already proven to be true).

Blessings -- Linda

www.lindajalexander.net ** www.authorsden.com/lindajalexander
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